What is NissanConnect and how does it work?
Looking back, just a few years ago, a vehicle infotainment center and smartphones were unheard of, but now everyone seems to have them. Together smartphones and vehicle infotainment systems have changed the technology front for all automakers and types of vehicles.
Each automaker has its unique system that provides communication, entertainment, and navigation connectivity. So what is NissanConnect and how does it work? It’s the perfect way to put down your phone while driving but remain connected through the voice commands and the touchscreen.

Through Bluetooth technology, you’ll be able to place calls and answer them, all while remaining hands free. And with advanced voice recognition, sending a text without taking your eyes off the road is no problem. You’ll also be able to stay connected and keep current with contacts through social apps like Facebook and Twitter.

Entertainment & Information
Everything that you love that can help pass the time of a long drive can be found right here. Through Bluetooth audio streaming, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Satellite Radio, and many other apps, you’ll be able to enjoy personal playlists, thousands of stations, podcasts, traffic reports, the weather, and so much more.

Not sure where it is that you’re planning to go? Plug in the address by using Google maps on your color touchscreen and receive turn-by-turn directions. You also will be able to look up points of interest and discover new places to shop, visit, and explore. And with the help of SiriusXM traffic, you’ll be able to find the fastest route.

Learn More about NissanConnect
Now that you have a general idea of what NissanConnect is, we’d like to tell you more about its capabilities. Nestled in the center of the dash of your Nissan vehicle is a color touchscreen that ranges from five-inches to seven depending on the model and trim chosen.
Then depending on which package you choose, you’ll be able to access an entire media world of popular apps that include:
Online Search with Google
All Nissan vehicles will also come equipped with a 3-month trial subscription to the SiriusXM All Access package. This will give you access to try out and enjoy all of the following services:
SiriusXM Satellite Radio
SiriusXM NavTraffic
SiriusXM NavWeather/Travel Link Weather
SiriusXM Travel Link Fuel Prices
SiriusXM Travel Link Movie Listings
SiriusXM Travel Link Stocks
SiriusXM Travel Link Sports Scores
We’d be happy to go further in detail about what NissanConnect can do and answer any questions that you might have. Also, if you’d like to come by for a test drive, we can demonstrate in person how everything works!